we are real people

“The church is not a museum for saints, but a hospital for sinners.” ― Morton T. Kelsey

Salem CFC is a community of people who are in process. We have imperfect, messy lives, but we are pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus and with each other. Everybody is welcome here, whatever your story, your questions, doubts, or struggles, we firmly believe that you should come as you are to Jesus. 

We are all about doing life together in community, being intentional about our growth as people and serving one another and our community along the way, and transferring the Gospel faithfully from person to person and generation to generation. 

Often people live lives in isolation. We find ourselves with no one to turn to when we have a major issue that has just surfaced in our life. Being a part of the family of Salem affords us the opportunity to more wholly experience God through close relationships as we play and pray together, as we encourage and help one another, 

and as we study and live out God’s word together.

Looking for something not too traditional, not too charismatic? Salem CFC is non-denominational Protestant Church. Many of our couples come from two different religious backgrounds, or no church background, and therefore find us a safe place! Our congregation includes those raised as Mennonite, Apostolic, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopal, and many more. Salem is a Bible based, mission supporting Christian church, and handicapped accessible! Here at Salem we strive to glorify God, to mature in Christ, to minister in love to the needs of our neighbors, to evangelize our community and support missions which spread the Good News throughout the world, as well as to fellowship and support each other as one body so that God’s light will shine through us in the community

and wherever His path leads us.   

Church can be an intimidating place to visit — especially if you don’t know what to expect. We invite you to experience what the Gospel means both intellectually and relationally at our Sunday worship service. You can engage with others as much as you want, or remain anonymous if you prefer. We hope that through visiting with us, you will experience the acceptance, encouragement, hope, love and joy that comes from

a community of people who love Jesus.

Our day of worship starts with Sunday School at 9 am for children and adults, 

followed by our Church Service at 10:00.  Contemporary songs of praise get our spirits ready to hear God's message, flowing into a worship service with a scripture lesson, prayer, and hymns. You can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God. Prepare to be encouraged, challenged, convicted, excited and, most importantly, welcomed.

There is a nursery room available, where parents can feed, change and attend to their children.  The nursery is not currently staffed by Salem, however there are speakers so that parents can still hear the worship service there.

For those who use a Bible app, there is wifi available in the building.  We have ample parking in two lots: just off the street in front of the church or find a second lot behind the church where there is also a handicapped accessible entrance.  Inside, Salem has a handicapped restroom and a lift to the fellowship hall.  For the hearing impaired, there are head sets available or simply switch your hearing aid to “telephone” setting to enjoy our service!

We have a library of over 3000 Christian books and DVDs available for borrowing.  You can browse the titles here.

Check out our online Sermons, our Facebook page, or drop by one of our many Events to get to know us. 

We looking forward to meeting you!

why are we called Salem?

Our Heritage

            In 1854, our forefathers gathered to form a church for the German speaking, Protestant families of this region. They soon became associated with the Evangelical Association.  The church building was erected in 1857 with a cornerstone lettered by Adam Schorge. The steeple spires represent the Four Gospels. Those spires are to remind us that, the Word is to be fundamental here at Salem as we strive to live in obedience to scripture.        

            In 1876, the church was named Salem Church of the Evangelical Association. “Salem” is found in Hebrews 7:1-2 “the name of his city Salem means peace” and in Psalms 76:12 “His tent is in Salem”.

            An English-speaking group broke away from Salem in 1889 and affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Association. This sister church soon erected a building nearby.  By 1917, all our services were held in English as well.      

            In 1897, and again in 1930, we were honored to host the NY Conference of the Evangelical Assn. at Salem. As we passed through the tragic periods of the 1st and 2nd World Wars Divine Power willed that all our service boys be returned to us. In 1954, a grand Centennial Anniversary celebration was held at Salem Church. At this time there were approximately 220 members.

            Initiative was taken to renovate God’s house in 1910, 1961, and 2004.  We are blessed that God provided the means to make our building efficient in serving our needs for His glory.       

            The Evangelical United Brethren and the Methodist denominations merged nation-wide in 1968. Two years later, it was decided to merge with our sister church, and the Salem building was closed. In the spring of 1974, twelve families from our former Salem E.U.B. congregation met at the Main St. church. “Their purpose was to form a new Christian fellowship devoted to love, equality, and concern for all God’s children.”   

            Our first service as Salem Christian Fellowship was held at Gospel Hall in Belfort, in June. God soon led us to find a full time pastor. The Salem Church property was sold back to us for the price of $1.00 and was dedicated in the fall of ‘74.  Membership was to be open to “all who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, been baptized, and are willing to work with and serve the Church”.

            In 1974, our Lord led us to sponsor a Laotian refugee family. The Kounlamiths, arrived by plane in 1980, after spending five years in Thailand. They soon adjusted to life in America and made their home here with us for the next five years.  They later moved on and begin a ministry to the people in their homeland, in which many have been saved.          

            Membership in this Bible based church is open to all who accept and follow Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and who have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.           

            Salem Christian Fellowship Church celebrated its 150th year of ministry to the Beaver Falls community July 31st and August 1st, 2004. It was awesome to rejoice in God’s blessings to us from the distant past to the present.  For upcoming events, see our Facebook page.

Pastor Joe Virkler

     I first visited Salem on April 6, 2008.  At the time, I was a college student who had no relationship with Jesus, but engaged to someone who wanted me to find a church.  After visiting a few other churches in the area, I was invited to Salem by a friend.  I don’t know how to explain the feeling that came over me, other than to say I felt “at home”.  I began attending more and more frequently and in the summer of 2009 I asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life, was baptized, and began my walk with God.  

As I grew in my walk with God, I began serving on the worship team, and participating in small groups and other church activities where I had the privilege of learning from more mature believers. I had begun feeling a call to preach and teach God's word, which over time led to teaching Sunday School and leading small groups.  In October 2014, I accepted an invitation from Pastor Bryan Catlin to give a message on Sunday.  Over the next few years I filled in occasionally for Pastor Bryan, and when Pastor Bryan announced his intention to retire, I began to prayerfully consider if this was a door God was opening.  After much prayer and consideration, I felt led to submit my name, and in August 2020 became Assistant Pastor. In January of 2023, after Pastor Bryan's retirement, I became the sole Pastor.

Bernice and I have grown and benefited greatly over the past 15 years by the love, faithfulness, and service of so many at Salem Christian Fellowship Church.  It is our prayer that Salem continues to be a place where people can come to know Jesus personally, and where those who know Jesus can continue to grow in their love for Him.   We are truly humbled to go through life with such a wonderful group of people, and we are excited to see how God will continue to grow Salem Christian Fellowship Church.